
Your pet’s health and well-being, are our top priority.

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Dog Diagnostics

Your dog’s health and well-being are our top priority.

We offer a wide variety of lab services. We perform the majority of the services at the clinic, so results are available on the day that they are performed. Some tests must be performed at an outside laboratory. Outside lab results are usually available in 48-72 hours.

Radiographs (A.K.A. X-rays) allow us to see the size and shape of many internal organs and bones, as well as any foreign bodies that your pet may have swallowed. We can administer barium and other contrast agents to help highlight various conditions. Through x-rays, we can diagnose organ enlargement, tumors, bladder or kidney stones, broken bones, arthritic conditions, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, as well as many other conditions that may be present.

Ultrasound technology can be used for so much more than just the diagnosis of pregnancy. We use ultrasound to highlight the internal structures. We are able to visualize the structure and makeup of the liver, kidney, bladder, and other organs, and can detect some structures that are not visible on radiographs. Ultrasonography also compliments x-rays by allowing us to see the internal makeup of structures rather than simply size and shape. Ultrasound can be used to obtain a guided biopsy of tumors or a urinary sample directly from the bladder.

Dogs can acquire parasite infestations, both internally and externally. We utilize the most recent medications, treatments, and preventatives that are available to manage these parasites.

Internal parasites include Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms, Whipworms, Tapeworms, and Coccidia. Each parasite may be treated specifically after being diagnosed by one of our veterinarians.

External parasites include fleas, ticks, ear mites, sarcoptic mange, and demodex mites. These can be prevented and controlled using various products and methods. In addition to concerns about the parasites themselves, several of these parasites are the cause (or carrier) of other diseases, such as Lyme Disease.